Saturday, November 1, 2014

Kagawong, Ontario and the North Channel

After leaving Baie Fine we traveled west through Little Current and on to Kagawong on Manitoulin Island. Little Current is a popular stop for most cruisers to re-provision after anchoring out for several nights. Another interesting attraction, at least to me, is their channel buoy shaped like a boat. The current in the Little Current Channel actually flows both ways at different times and the boat - like buoy lets boaters know which direction the current is flowing.

Kagawong was a surprisingly interesting place. Unlike Killarney, Kagawong isn't trying to be "big time". We enjoyed a walk around the small town to the Bridal Falls and the church with a boat hull as the pulpit.

Later in the afternoon we walked to the only open store and spent the last of our Canadian money, preparing to leave Canada. It was our intention to leave the next day for Meldrum Bay, another town / harbor on Manitoulin Island on our way back to the USA.

We awoke early as usual to a gorgeous day! It was sunny, warm without being hot and most importantly the wind was light. Light wind is very important on the North Channel because there aren't many places to tuck into to wait out inclement weather like Georgian Bay. After getting an early start, our progress across the North Channel was going extremely well. We would have been in Meldrum Bay shortly after noon. Since very windy weather was predicted we chose to continue on to Drummond Island and check back into U S Customs.

After clearing customs we continued the short distance to Detour Village. The weather prediction was correct and we stayed in Detour Village for a couple of days before continuing on to St. Ignace, Michigan. We really enjoyed our time in Canada but we were also very happy to be back in the USA. Having our cell phone service and internet service back was more than welcome. We didn't realize how dependent we had become on wireless services until we were without them in Canada.

The next post will be about clearing customs, Detour Village and Mackinac Island.

Jan made an impromptu cake for Jane's birthday.

We saw this beautiful lighthouse on the way to Little Current.

I found this directional buoy to be interesting.
The direction of the current is valuable knowled for docking, etc.

We actually found this sign useful.

The exterior of their church.

This pulpit is actually the bow of a boat.
It's real, not a replica.

A stained glass window in the church.
Obviously the water is an important part of their lives.

There were phone booths all over Canada like this one in Kagawong.

There is a nice swimming beach that was used by a lot of people.

Boo-Bah-Loo was an interesting place as the next picture shows.

This was at Boo-Bah-Loo
We wish we could have played some games with our grandchildren.

This stairway was on our hike to the bridal falls.
The water was flowing through the hillside everywhere.

The water is flowing a little more here.

Our first glimpse of the falls.


From behind the falls looking out.

Can you see Tom's white haired head in the falls?

Tom and Mark in the pool.

As we came around the north side of Drummond Island our latitude was 
46 degrees, 6.5 minutes north.
This maybe the farthest point north we were on our whole trip.
For reference, the 45th parallel of latitude runs through Medicine Lake near our former house in Plymouth, MN. This is 66.5 nautical miles or 76.5 statute miles farther north than Medicine Lake.
Surprisingly, most of our trip through Canada was south of where we lived in Minnesota.

The lighthouses are quite a bit larger in the main part of Lake Huron.

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