Thursday, October 30, 2014

Killarney and Baie Fine at the junction of Georgian Bay and the North Channel

Killarney is a popular route for boaters to move from Georgian Bay to the North Channel of Lake Huron on their way back to the USA. Although it is well traveled by water, it is almost inaccessible by land.There is only one road into Killarney from Sudbury and Sudbury isn't much of a town either.

Maybe we were too excited to return to Killarney after being there in 2001 on Mike's boat. Our expectations were too high! It was no longer the quaint little place we remembered. The Sportsman's' Lodge was now a new building without the charm and trees from the original building. There isn't even a tree to hang a bear from during bear hunting season. Herbert's Fish is building a new building and operating from a concessions trailer, no longer the cute school bus. Frank, Mike's mechanic was still there but not in good health. To summarize, Killarney was trying to be "big time" and in our opinion lost it's charm.

After checking out the grotto across the canal we had a most unusual fish encounter. As we were motoring along slowly, we saw the eyes and mouth of a muskie or northern pike swimming along side of us, about ten feet away. It's head stayed out of the water for at least 30 sec. We all saw it and hadn't ever seen anything like it before. After a while it went down and swam away.

Baie Fine is pronounced Bay Fin. It is an inland fjord with an area at the end called the Pool. When we anchored in the Pool we were the only boats there. That changed after a while and we shared the pool with three or four other boats for the night. The area is beautiful with the trees growing right out of the granite.

While anchored we took the dinghies to the trail that leads to Topaz Lake up on the mountain. After an invigorating hike up a dry creek bed we arrived at the lake. What a beautiful site! The water there is actually a green color and the lake is reported to have nothing growing in it. Mark, again found an area to jump off of for his daily facebook video. After swimming for a while we hiked back down and dingied back to the boats. What a beautiful and relaxing place to be.

It's such a shame this grotto isn't being maintained.

Someone put a lot of work into this at one time.

At least it isn't being vandalized.

The new Sportsman Inn without the charm of the original one.
We were docked next to this big boat, more than twice our boats' length.

Leaving Killarney.

This barge is the way to transport things in the islands.

On the way to Baei Fine.

Entering the Baie Fine fjord.


Just as beautiful in the sunshine.

Leaving Baie Fine with a little fog.

The dry creek bed going up to Topaz Lake.
Notice the tire tracks. I can't imagine travelling this with any vehicle.
Its hard to believe but, someone moved a load of lumber up this path while we were up at the lake.
It was at the landing when we arrived and gone when we returned from the lake.

Not all of the trail was difficult.

The final bit of trail to the beautiful lake.

This beauty was worth the hike!

It was surprising to see so many people in such a remote area.

Our two boats at anchor in the Pool.

Looking the other way at our boats at anchor.

Mark and I were swimming in the Pool. The water was beautiful on a hot day.
Maybe there was some beer consumed while swimming also.

This is a view in the pool.

It was very weedy anchoring in the pool and we hauled up this weed ball on our anchor.
It was a bit difficult to remove.

The next post will be the completion of Canada.

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